Construction Insurance


What does the all risks building site insurance cover?

The construction site risk insurance is underwritten by the client in addition to the property damage guarantee. This warranty covers the material damage to the site and all that is intended to be an integral part of the final work. In addition, the scaffolding necessary for the execution of the construction works, equipment and tools, construction sites, plans, specifications, technical, administrative and accounting documents will also be guaranteed. In other words are covered the book itself, but also the materials on site against: flights or flight attempts; natural disasters ; collapses; fires; explosions. In the event of a claim, the indemnification is carried out without prior search for liability on the part of the insurers, which avoids disagreements during project implementation.


Coverage and duration of the All Risks Warranty

works from the opening of the site; materials and equipment from their arrival on the site. This construction insurance guarantee takes effect from the date of the declaration of opening of the construction site until the date of reception of the works ie during the period of construction strictly speaking. In other words, this policy covers works in progress.


When to buy a TRC insurance?

The all risk insurance site must be subscribed no later than 60 days after the date of opening of the site.


What are the additional insurance policies for the all-risk construction site?

Non-Director Manufacturer Warranty (CNR); Civil Liability of the Master Work (RCMO); Intangible Damage Guarantee; Perfect Completion Guarantee (GPA); Decennial Manufacturers’ Liability (RCD); Biennial guarantee.


 To conclude on the construction site insurance Although the builders are responsible for the damages suffered by the work being built (article 1788 of the civil code). But given the risks associated with the construction, the multiplicity of stakeholders, entanglement of responsibilities in case of disaster the owner may encounter difficulties in the exercise of its remedies. In short, by a fast financing the insurance all risks site makes it possible not to block the building site.


Third Party Liability Guarantee covers personal, material and immaterial damage to third parties as a result of the construction operation. Guarantees apply from the start of work and until the date of receipt of the book. Consequently, this contract guarantees the owner against the pecuniary consequences of the responsibilities he may incur as a result of damage to the neighborhood because of the work ordered.


What is the use of the third party liability guarantee of the building owner?

The RCMO is a complementary guarantee to the property damage insurance. They protect you from neighborhood recourse during your work Indeed, during the construction site, the builders can cause various damages to the neighborhood, for example the falling of tiles, bricks on parked vehicles or on passers-by, or, to deteriorate the facade, the walls or the roof of the neighboring buildings during handling or demolition operations. Even if the damage is caused by the builders intervening on the site and not by the client himself, his responsibility can be engaged. Clearly identifiable he can be implicated by the victims and obliged to compensate them. Consequently, the client’s civil liability guarantee is intended to guarantee the material or immaterial damage caused to third parties (buildings, neighbors, bystanders, visitors, vehicles parked near the building site, etc.), because of the works they made to realize. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The RCMO guarantee covers:

Materials caused by the work: deterioration, destruction or loss of a thing belonging to a third party; Immaterial pecuniary damages such as disturbance of enjoyment, loss of income, expenses, various expenses borne by the victim; Corporal: care, medical expenses, deaths … xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Who must take out the owner’s civil liability guarantee?

The contracting authority, private or professional who has work done on existing (extension, renovation …) or new work can contract this additional guarantee to the property damage insurance.


When to subscribe to the RCMO?

Before starting work at the same time as the property damage insurance.


Duration and date of effect of the guarantee

the owner’s third partyl liability guarantee starts from the beginning of the work and ceases with the end of the work.



The property damage insurance is a compulsory insurance for the person who has building works done (new construction or heavy renovation works). It must be subscribed on the date of opening of the site. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

What is property damage insurance?

Damage works is intended to quickly finance repairs to defects in construction under the ten-year guarantee without seeking liability. In other words, the property damage insurance company must have the work required for the cancellation of the loss completed within 90 days of its declaration. Then she will turn against the person or persons responsible for the disorders noted by a single expert. Property damage insurance to remember: Property damage insurance is a compulsory insurance for all building work; Its purpose is to guarantee the reimbursement or the repair of disorders falling under the ten-year guarantee without waiting for court decisions; The warranty damage book will be transmitted in case of sale; It must be subscribed on the date of opening of the site by the owner.


Is property damage insurance compulsory?

The damage insurance is mandatory according to article L242-1 of the Insurance Code: Any natural or legal person who, acting as the owner of the work, the seller or the agent of the owner of the work, has a building work done, must subscribe before the opening of the work site, on his behalf or for that of the successive owners, an insurance guaranteeing, apart from any search for the responsibilities, the payment of the works of repair of the damages of the nature of those of which the manufacturers are responsible within the meaning of the article 1792-1 of the civil code …


Who must take out insurance?

According to the Spinetta law the damage insurance must be contracted for any owner whatever his profile, individual, promoter, merchant of goods, co-owner, trustee, SCI, who makes realize a new construction or important renovations , extension or repair following a disaster. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Who must take out insurance?

According to the Spinetta law the damage insurance must be contracted for any owner whatever his profile, individual, promoter, merchant of goods, co-owner, trustee, SCI, who makes realize a new construction or important renovations , extension or repair following a disaster.


Personal Property Damage Insurance

Your bank asks you to take out a particular damage insurance policy in order to accept the financing of your future individual house or work in your home. You want to protect your construction for 10 years after the end date of the work. You do not want to have any problem if you sell your property during the ten-year guarantee period.


Real Estate Developer Damage Work

The developer designs, builds, sells houses, apartment buildings, industrial industrial buildings or commercial premises. Article 242-1 of the Insurance Code requires him to take out property and casualty insurance.


Merchant Property Damage Work Property  

The law requires you to take out Property Damage Insurance (DO) and a Non-Producer Builder’s Warranty (CNR) on behalf of the buyer when you dispose of a property in which you have carried out renovations or enlargements . Your work will be guaranteed for 10 years. This contract is not difficult to set up.


Damage to SCI

SCI or Société Civile Immobilière is intended for the ownership of real estate by several people (physical or legal). Family SCI allows real estate to belong to all members of a family, thus facilitating transmission. On the other hand, the construction sale SCI is a structure that allows real estate developers to build a property and resell it immediately in order to make a profit.


Assurance constructeur non réalisateur : qui sont les constructeurs non réalisateurs ?

Souvent, le constructeur est assimilé à celui qui conçoit l’ouvrage (architecte, concepteur), ou à celui qui le réalise (entreprise, réalisateur, etc).

Pourtant, la loi en a une acception beaucoup plus large, puisque notre droit de la construction soumet à la responsabilité décennale les intervenants du bâtiment, mais aussi les personnes qui ne construisent pas, mais font construire des ouvrages pour autrui ou en vue de la vente (article 1792-1 du Code civil).

C’est cette dernière catégorie de personnes que désigne l’expression « constructeurs non réalisateurs ». Cette catégorie regroupe des professionnels, mais aussi certains particuliers.

Constructeurs non réalisateurs professionnels

Il s’agit principalement :

Du vendeur d’immeubles achevés (par exemple un promoteur), article 1831-1 du Code civil ;

Du vendeur d’immeubles à construire (vente en état futur d’achèvement, article 1646-1du Code civil) ;

Du maître d’ouvrage délégué ;

Du marchand de biens (qui revend après rénovation ou reconstruction, si l’opération est assimilable à des travaux de construction) ;

Du lotisseur-aménageur (notamment pour les ouvrages de viabilité ou VRD).

Vendeurs non professionnels

Sont concernés les particuliers qui revendent, dans la période de 10 ans après la réception, un ouvrage qu’ils ont construit ou fait construire.


Constructeur non réalisateur : une obligation d’assurance décennale

Les constructeurs non réalisateurs sont tenus de souscrire un contrat garantissant leur responsabilité civile décennale lorsqu’elles font réaliser des ouvrages soumis à obligation d’assurance.

Cette obligation résulte de l’article L 241-2 du Code des assurances, qui dispose que : « Celui qui fait réaliser pour le compte d’autrui des travaux de construction doit être couvert par une assurance de responsabilité garantissant les dommages visés aux articles 1792 et 1792-2 du Code civil. »

Dommages garantis

Ceux-là mêmes qui sont énoncés par les articles 1792 et 1792-2 du Code civil : « Tout constructeur d’un ouvrage est responsable de plein droit envers le maître ou l’acquéreur de l’ouvrage, des dommages, même résultant d’un vice du sol, qui compromettent la solidité de l’ouvrage, ou qui, l’affectant dans un de ses éléments constitutifs ou l’un de ses éléments d’équipement, le rendent impropre à sa destination. ».

L’article 1792-2 précise les conditions dans lesquelles la présomption de responsabilité s’étend aux dommages affectant la solidité des éléments d’un ouvrage.


Assurance constructeur non réalisateur : différences avec la garantie « dommages-ouvrage »

L’assurance dommages ouvrage a pour but de garantir, en dehors de toute recherche de responsabilité, le paiement des travaux de réparation des dommages subis.

Effectivement, quand vous l’avez souscrite avant l’ouverture du chantier, votre contrat profite à l’acquéreur de votre maison, bien que ce ne soit pas lui le signataire.

En effet, l’assurance dommage-ouvrage, comme son nom l’indique est une assurance de « dommages » (par opposition à une assurance de responsabilité), qui est attachée à un bien déterminé désigné au contrat.

Toutefois, du fait de la dualité du principe instauré par la loi Spinetta, qui repose sur la complémentarité de deux systèmes poursuivants des buts différents, on peut avoir le sentiment que ces deux assurances font « doublon ». Il n’en est rien.

En réalité, comme l’illustre parfaitement un arrêt de la Cour d’appel de Montpellier : « La finalité d’une assurance dommages-ouvrage et celle d’une responsabilité civile décennale du constructeur sont fondamentalement différentes » (Montpellier, 12 nov. 2002, Juris-Data n° 2002-245579).

Puis, poursuivant, la Cour précise : « L’assurance responsabilité civile décennale a pour but de garantir la responsabilité de plein droit dont tout constructeur d’un ouvrage est redevable envers le maître ou l’acquéreur de l’ouvrage pour les dommages même résultant d’un vice du sol qui compromettent la solidité de l’ouvrage ou qui l’affectant dans l’un de ses éléments constitutifs ou de ses éléments d’équipement le rendent impropre à sa destination ».

Or, « une assurance dommage ouvrage a pour but de garantir, en dehors de toute recherche de responsabilité, le paiement de la totalité des travaux de réparation des dommages de la nature de ceux dont sont responsables les constructeurs au sens de l’article 1792-1 du Code civil. »

Cette assurance vient donc compléter l’assurance dommages ouvrage. Elle a pour but de garantir le constructeur non réalisateur de son obligation d’assurance décennale conformément à la loi n° 78.12 du 4 janvier 1978 dite « loi Spinetta ».
