Optimal coverage of professionals with delegated loan insurance
When subscribing to a business credit, even if the lender does not require it, it is essential to also take out professional loan insurance. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
What is professional loan insurance?
Any professional (craftsan, trader, entrepreneur, self-employed worker or liberal professional) can apply for financing within the framework of his activity to create or take over a business, buy equipment or premises, for a new investment, etc. The risk with the professional loan is indeed all the more important that the subscriber’s financial health is based on that of his activity. In addition, the borrower insurance allows a tax reduction; integrated into the interest rate of the credit, it is deductible from the taxes of your company. For the leader of an SME, the reduction of the tax base allows a profit up to 25% of the amount of interest. This protection is customizable according to the risks to be covered (in particular death, total permanent disability due to an accident or illness, incapacity for work) and the profession, which can modify the disability rates supported. .
How to change professional loan insurance?
If you have opted for the bank’s group contract at loan signing, this decision is not irreversible. You still have the possibility to change to reduce your monthly payments without reducing your protection. If you have exceeded the limit, you will be able to break the contract two months before the next anniversary date of your credit. In any case, anticipate your change request and be ready with the alternative contract to avoid a period without coverage. Be careful, for the bank to accept your delegated insurance, you must submit a proposal with the same guarantees. This is the only ground for rejection provided for by the Lagarde Act that established the principle of delegation.
How to obtain a PRO borrower insurance simulation?
The broker is a valuable partner to compare offers available on the market, set up coverage at a competitive rate, and build the record. For a first idea, do not hesitate to use professional online loan insurance simulators. Free and fast, it finds you the offers answering at the same time your needs and your profile according to several criteria: your age, the amount borrowed, your state of health and your antecedents medical, your trade, your extra-professional activities (in particular the practiced sports), etc. The method of pricing also has an impact: application of the rate on the borrowed capital or on the capital remaining due, or surcharge in case of aggravated health risk.